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The 3 Best Romantic Novels you can read even in 2020

It needs romantic gestures in a relationship to be present. Romance may be anything. You can find romance even when you hear the voice of your beloved ones, or even if you cook something for them, intimacy is noticed.

Everyone deserves to be in a romantic relationship, not a dull one. Their preference for watching movies or reading books will also be mostly romantic, and that's the only purpose why you're reading this article because we're all interested in love stories.

So here I'm going to tell you today about the three best romantic novels you can read in 2020. I'm sure you guys have read all of them beforehand, but you should read them again because they really are worth it. And if you're among those who haven't read it yet, then it's the perfect time to get there.


I too had a love story novel cover

'I Too Had a Love Story' is Ravinder Singh's autobiographical love story. This is his very first book and a very famous novel. This is also the very first love story that I have read in my life.

Ravinder has written his love story about him and his beloved girlfriend Khushi, how they met on a matrimonial site, how their love transformed into passion, and how the tragedy made him lose Khushi. This is the best selling book from the day it was published. And everybody who has read it, including me, is Ravinder Singh's biggest fan.

There is love, respect, romance, and every other emotion in the book one must go for. The book ends with the narration of Ravin's present emotional state. To Ravin, his life became worthless after Khushi, and he has lost interest in almost everything. If I had to recommend anyone any book to read it anytime, I'll always suggest this one.

Buy it here

2- You are the Best Wife: A true love story

You are the Best Wife novel cover

This is the author's first novel based on the author's true account and the love story of his wife and eventual marriage before the plan is unveiled by fate.

Ajay believes in living for himself, Bhavna teaches him to work for others. Yeah, Ajay is a life planner; Bhavna helps him live in the moment.

You are the Best Wife, the tale of two people with conflicting philosophies who fell in love with each other that transforms them for good.  

This is a profoundly touching story of the protagonist and his struggle. His beautiful wife left him halfway through their path. But her last words, 'You are the best husband,' gave him the courage to live on and to fulfil his vow of love.

This story is unique and heart touching. And if you really want to read something worthy and related to true love, you should give this book a try.

You can get it from here

3- Wish I Could Tell You

Wish I could tell you novel cover

One thing for Sure to tell about this novel is it's just wow. The story is about Anusha who operates on WeDonate.com, a fundraiser website. 

Anusha is a feminist kind of person who fears almost everyone because of previous events in her life. She doesn't appear to have feelings for anybody. Gautam is a guy who spreads anger on social media and unknowingly ruins the lives of few people and hurts all of them. There are many more characters.

The story's plot is fantastic. It's certainly worth reviewing. The end of the storey has led me to tears. This novel also has negativity, but it's also written in such a positive manner. The novel is wonderfully written, and I have to say that Durjoy Datta has done a brilliant job. This book was a really surprising occurrence. I would certainly recommend this book to all of you!!

Buy it from here

So these are the 3 beautiful worth reading novels I feel you should read soon. That's all. And don't forget to spread love always. Cya.

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