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Cute names for boyfriend that He's going to love

          Isn't it adorable when someone special gives you a romantic nickname? Girls love that, and guess what? Even boys like it when they're called by some awesome names from their partners. So I've come up with a couple of cute names for boyfriend that he's going to love a lot, and I hope you'll like that, too, when you call them by those names.

Handsome Man sleeping on his girlfriend's lap

1-  Handsome - The very common word every guy loves to hear. (Hey Handsome)

2- Cutipie - Yes, guys are cute too.

3- Darling - For every girl, her guy is a darling.

4- Jaan - An Indian Nickname. The word ''Jaan'' means ''Life.''

5- Kiddo - Yea in love everyone behaves like a kid, so calling him Kiddo is perfectly okay.

6- Love - He is love that's why you are with him.

7- Honey Bunny - Another lovely name you can give him.

8- Principe - This is a Spanish word which means ''Prince.'' If you think your guy is a Prince, call him by this name.

9- My guy - It says it all.

10- Lover Boy - Surely He will be.

11- Amado Mio - Guess what does it mean? It is also a Spanish word which means ''My Love.''

12- My Heart - Because He has it.

13- Sweetheart - Admit it, He is the sweetest guy at least for you.

14- Mister - "Oye Mister" Haven't you called him by this name yet?

15- My Main - He is.

16- Sexy - I believe He must be.

17- My One and Only - Just yours.

18- Rockstar -  For you, He must be.

19- Stupid - You alone have the right to call him "Stupid"

20- Silly - When he does some Silly Small mistakes.

21- My Hero - Because you are his Heroin.

22- My Home - Sweet. Isn't it?

Man and Woman hugging each other.

23- Teddy Bear- Your favorite Teddy Bear whose arms are just made for a perfect hug.

24- Important - When you want to make him feel Important.

25 - Moi Horoshiy - Russian word which means "My Good Boy."

26 - Baby - Haven't you called him "My Baby" at times?

27 - Bae - Your Bae.

28 - Better Half - If you believe He is.

29 - Hubby - Few girls like to call their guys as "Hubby."

30 - Mr. Cool - He is cool and unique for you.

31 - Mr. Lucky - He is lucky as He has you by his side.

P.S. In that case, you can call him blessed too as He has you.

32 - Baby Boyfriend - When sometimes He behaves like a baby, you can use this pet name to call him.

33 - Dumbo - When he does something really dumb.

34 - Mine - Yes He is yours.

35- Sweetie Pie - You know He sometimes deals with your drama and still behaves sweetly to you. He deserves to be tagged as the "Sweetest Person."

36- Babu - Indian nickname used by Girls to call their boyfriend.

37 - Shona - Another Cute name to call him by.

38 - Mr. Right - Because You are his Ms. Always Right.

39 - Smarty - Guys are anyway Smart.

40 - So last but not least, you can call him by his real nickname. (make a short nickname from his original name.)

         There are some of the sweet names that you can use to call your boyfriend. There might be a lot more. Also, boys are pretty simple, too. Whatever you name him, just make sure you include a little affection, and he will feel good about it.

        So, which of these names did you call him or intend to call him the next time you see him? Do let us know in the Comment area. Also do share with all of us if you've already given your guy a special name.

Image source-
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

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